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The japanese odyssey
The Japanese Odyssey (TJO) is an annual unsupported endurance cycling event around Japan that is held on a different route each year. Just like the Trans-Continental Race riders have to plan a route around a number of mandatory control points with the aim of reaching the finish line as quickly as possible. When I rode the TJO, almost all the controls were at the top of mountains, many of them volcanoes, and there would be a terrifying amount of climbing. An important part of any bike packing event is equipment selection. When I was drawing up my list, a distributor...
The Trans American Bike Race (TABR)
Trans Am The Trans American Bike Race (TABR) is the longest annual unsupported bike race in the world. At over 4202 miles / 6763km, it is a real test of physical and mental stamina. The TABR starts on the Pacific in Astoria, Oregon during the first week of June, to maximize the longest days of the year, and the course ends at the Atlantic in Yorktown, Virginia. I packed light for the race making sure I only took the bare essentials. This meant only having one set of clothes and very limited spares for the bike. Long roads that vanish into...